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NZ-China: Free trade deal with China an insurance policy, Cullen says
A free trade agreement with China is an insurance policy against the collapse of World Trade Organisation talks, Finance Minister Michael Cullen said today.
Common Quality Norms Are Vital In SAFTA Trade
Countries across the globe are realising the importance of regional trading blocks. The South Asian countries too have now felt the urgency of such an arrangement.
NZ-Chile: Chile pact has potential to rival huge northern blocs
A new trade deal with Chile could be a significant spur for the development of a Southern Hemisphere counterweight to huge northern pacts such as the European Union and the North American free trade agreement, a study by Victoria University researchers says.
China-Australia: Free trade foreplay to speed up
Australia and China have agreed to accelerate overtures that could lead to a free-trade agreement, after talks between Trade Minister Mark Vaile and top-ranking Chinese ministers in Beijing.
My vision of China free trade role: academic
China should become the focal point of an East Asian free trade zone to rival other blocks such as the European Union and the North American Free Trade Area (Nafta), a leading academic claims.
Japan Needs FTAs
Free trade agreements are now becoming the rule in world trade and Japan is at a big disadvantage if it does not take part in the game.
Prescriptions may rise 30% under FTA: academic
The free trade agreement with the United States would lead to Australians paying 30 per cent more for prescription drugs, a leading American academic warned today.
Turkey considers FTA with Bahrain
Turkey was searching possibilities to sign a free trade agreement (FTA) with Bahrain, which was getting prepared to sign one with the United States, Turkish Finance Minister said on Thursday.
Pakistan and Sri Lanka FTA talks on June 4-5
A four-member Pakistani delegation will visit Sri Lanka from June 3 to June 10 to finalise the Free Trade Agreement (FTA) with the government of Sri Lanka and to attend the third meeting of the Committee of Experts (COE) on carrying forward the South Asian Free Trade Area (SAFTA) process.
Jordan, Israel upgrade trade accord
Jordan and Israel upgraded their trade accord Sunday in hopes of doing more business with Europe.
Businesses Lukewarm on Korea-Japan FTA
In contrast to the recent push for adopting a free trade agreement (FTA) with Chile, leading business organizations, including the Federation of Korean Industries (FKI) and Korea Federation of Small Business (KFSB), take a cautious approach to back ongoing FTA talks with Japan.
The United States and the new regionalism/bilateralism
Current U.S. trade policy stresses establishing free trade areas (FTAs) with partners spanning the globe. Motivations include enhancing goods and services trade; stimulating investment flows; extending standards on intellectual property rights, labor, and the environment; and addressing geopolitical concerns.
Taiwan seeks FTA with Paraguay
Taiwan is probing the possibility of signing a free-trade agreement (FTA) with Paraguay, a government official confirmed yesterday.
China-ASEAN FTA to be concluded soon
Negotiations on the establishment of a free trade area (FTA) between China and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations) are now expected to be concluded soon.
FTA undermines principle of affordable drugs for all
The Australian Senate should delay implementing legislation for the Free Trade Agreement with the US. Countries such as Brazil and Thailand, with large generic pharmaceutical industries, are looking to Australia for leadership in countering this US bilateral push for global uniformly of high pharmaceutical prices through aggressive intellectual property (IP) protection.
FTA with US: Thai investors ’set to reap big benefits’
The upcoming Thai-US free-trade agreement will benefit Thai investors as further business opportunities open up in a vast market which imports goods and services worth about US$1.5 trillion (Bt60 trillion) annually.
Russia-WTO: EU-Russia deal brings Russia a step closer to WTO membership
EU Trade Commissioner Pascal Lamy and the Russian Economy Development and Trade Minister German Gref have signed today the agreement concluding the bilateral market access negotiations for the accession of the Russian Federation to the WTO, in the presence of the European Commission President Romano Prodi, the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin and the President of the European Council Irish Prime Minister Bertie Ahern.
Analysis: The Elephant, the Rabbit, the Cobra and the Gold
Every time I visit Bangkok I see it. "Power is nothing without control" reads an advertising billboard for a transnational tyre company near Chulalongkorn University. This February, Pirelli’s slogan summed up the US philosophy for its proposed bilateral free trade and investment agreement with Thailand.
Marchas en Bogotá le dicen no al ALCA y TLC
En una gran manifestación que reunió a más de cuatro mil personas en la Plaza de Bolívar de Bogotá, distintos sectores le dijeron no al ALCA y al Tratado de Libre Comercio (TLC) que Colombia, Ecuador y Perú negocian desde el marte en la noche con los Estados Unidos en la ciudad costera de Cartagena.
Acuerdo Mercosur-UE clave para destrabar ALCA | EU-Mercosur deal key to unlocking FTAA
Un rápido acuerdo entre la Unión Europea (UE) y el bloque sudamericano Mercosur, que lidera Brasil,ayudaría a destrabar las negociaciones para crear el Area de LibreComercio de las Américas (ALCA) el 1 de enero próximo, tal como originalmente se planeó.